My Evie : 6 Months | Tulsa Photographer

My Evie : 6 Months | Tulsa Photographer

How is this sweet baby 6 months old?!  It seems like just yesterday we watched her take her first breath on this earth.  When Evie was about 36 hours old she was admitted to the NICU and ended up staying in the hospital for about a week.  Those days were so dark and scary.  My eyes were constantly filled with tears and my stomach in knots.  We spent days waiting for an answer but not getting anywhere.  I spent all day sitting and watching our baby poked and prodded, covered in tubes and wires.  Getting to hold her was such an ordeal with monitors and beeping sounds.  She wasn’t allowed to eat for about 3 days, which felt like torturing her.  During those dark days of uncertainty my husband kept reminding me that one day this would be a distant memory and we had to keep our faith that God would heal her.  And he was so right!  God healed her and we have been so blessed with an awesome baby girl!  In her short 6 months of life we have already seen such strength and tenacity.  She is hard headed, ornery and outspoken.  She is allergic to sleep and has reminded me to appreciate even just a short 20 minute nap.  She’s not too interested in foods yet but loves to sit and is so close to crawling!  I pray her hardest days are behind her and that she learns to love sleep like her older brothers.  Thankfully she is finally taking a bottle but still not taking a pacifier.  She has her two bottom teeth coming in and her little grin can light up the world.  Happy 6 months baby girl!  We all love you beyond measure!tulsa-baby-photographer tulsa-childrens-photographer tulsa-family-photographertulsa-lifestyle-photographer  tulsa-oklahoma-photographersix-month-pictures-tulsa-photographer

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